Reflections: A to Z


A to Z Challenge wants reflections.

Turning to the East, I welcome in the Spirit of Air, the place of reflection, contemplation, and communication – among other things that are not coming to mind.

I wanted to do this in 2015, when I first heard about it but was a day too late to sign up. That’s me, Johnny Come Lately. But, there will always be next year… like *raising a glass of Mogen David, and saying “Next year in Jerusalem.”

And so it came to pass that this was last year’s next year, and thanks to Holly Jahangiri from A Fresh Perspective, I found out about the upcoming A to Z through her always helpful blog!

And I signed up. Just like I did back in January 2015 for Blogging 101. Easy Peasy.

I even made a game out of it for my ever faithful readers: Guess What? was the blog post. I even kept it going until one of my crew guessed what the What was.

Then it was April 1. I had not picked a theme, though others I know talked about picking a theme. I used the designation PR which equals personal, and figured that was theme enough. After all, that’s all I ever talk about, the realm of what’s personal to me.

Which brings a quote to mind… but never mind, not really important. It’s just how my mind works. But I did figure out, after all was written and posted on April 30, that next year I’m doing what comes best, easiest for me. MUSIC… There. Just picked next years theme. It can be a month long Monday Music Medicine Show. I’ll call it The April Music Medicine Show, or something like that. A to Z music.

But what of this year’s A to Z? I’m a survivor. Check out the badge over there >>>>

My number went from 1396 to 937. I stuck it out. I made it into the top 1000. Hot dog! I started picking my letters even before the challenge began. I think I got from “A to I” beforeย  first challenge piece went up on my blog.

I did change things over the course of that time, as some of the things were longer, and harder to get stuff for.

I began visiting right off the bat, but that went the way of the dinosaur. I can’t walk and chew gum anymore, so it would seem. I used to be able to. But that was then, and this is now, and I accept my limitations.

I enjoyed it. I groused about it too. I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t complain. I missed the structure I’d had at the beginning of my blogging ‘career.’ This was putting that back into my world.

I met some very cool folks:

Roland Yeomans

Curious as a Cathy

Pub Floors

Domestically Dippy

Kurt Nemes

The Squirrel Nutwork

Patterns of Randomness


All in all, this will go up on the Blogging Hall of Fame of memorable moments. Sort of like faded photographs…


16 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. calensariel
    May 07, 2016 @ 20:02:04

    “I began visiting right off the bat, but that went the way of the dinosaur. I canโ€™t walk and chew gum anymore, so it would seem. I used to be able to. But that was then, and this is now, and I accept my limitations.” That made me laugh! And I loved the Mogen David wine (kosher, I believe) and “Next year in Jerusalem!” And apparently it WAS a bit of a HOLY experience for you then? ๐Ÿ˜€

    Liked by 1 person


  2. Holly Jahangiri
    May 07, 2016 @ 21:48:17

    LOL – me, too! Fim, this is such a perfect reflection post. I feel no need to write one of my own, now. I do feel a need to catch up on the visiting, and I so appreciate your managing to come over to my blog as often as you did. This is the first time I’ve made it through the whole 26 letters; I, too, stopped the visiting when something had to give. But I will make my rounds slowly – I didn’t stop, I only postponed. I had to meet the goal, this time; last year was full of good reasons for letting myself off the hook, but this one’s not.

    I’m so glad I inspired you to join (and that we met in Blogging 101!). Thank you for that kind mention and link.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Fimnora Westcaw
      May 08, 2016 @ 12:42:22

      Thank you Holly!
      And that’s a great idea, on the catching up and putting it in the category of postponed is even better; forgot is blaming my age too often… those names will still be in the list, I take it for as long as that post remains up – like until next year, and even longer…
      And weren’t you in Story-A-Day too last year?

      Liked by 1 person


  3. John Holton
    May 10, 2016 @ 18:06:12

    We ended up cutting a lot more blogs this year than in years past, but still, moving up 400 places on the list probably got you a lot more readers. I’m glad this was a good experience for you, and I look forward to seeing you again next year. Signups generally start the last week of January, so be sure and check the main challenge blog toward the beginning of next year.

    Liked by 1 person


  4. Faraday's Candle
    May 11, 2016 @ 06:45:04

    I really like that Diana Ross song.
    We were listening to her on YouTube after a documentary and the Supremes were something special.

    Glad you are enjoying your meets!



  5. JoHanna Massey
    May 13, 2016 @ 10:25:04

    Oh this is just the best State of Fimnora’s Mind essay.๐Ÿ“ฎ



  6. randommusings29
    May 14, 2016 @ 18:52:21

    I’m glad you enjoyed the challenge and well done on completing it ๐Ÿ™‚ I think comments always fade off towards the end of the month for some reason!



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